Getting the Most Out of Your Local Library

Getting the Most Out of Your Local Library


Fauquier County Public LibrariesResidents in the Warrenton area can take advantage of a variety of services at their local library. The library hosts regular events for children, teenagers, and adults. Members can also borrow materials, conduct research, and use public computers. Learn more about these services to discover how you can get the most out of your local library.

Special Events Host at Fauquier County Public Libraries

The library offers many fun activities for kids that promote learning and socialization.

  • Story Time is available for infants, toddlers, and preschool children.
  • The Paws to Read program gives young children the opportunity to read to trained service dogs.
  • The Lego Club is reserved for children in kindergarten up to 5th grade.
  • Elementary and middle school students can receive free tutoring with homework.

Teenagers can participate in advisory groups, writing clubs, and volunteer programs.

  • The Teen Advisory Group helps library staff plan upcoming events.
  • Teenagers can improve their writing skills and receive positive feedback on manuscripts when they join the Teen Writing Club.
  • TASK provides various volunteer opportunities for teenagers during the school year.

Adults can also benefit from programs at their local library.

  • Book clubs meet regularly in the afternoons and evenings.
  • The Adult Writing Group is an excellent way to share your work and receive constructive criticism.
  • The library offers English as a Second Language and GED courses.
  • Older Wiser Learners is a monthly program for older adults that offers discussions, games, and conversation.

Fauquier County Library Warrenton

Borrowing Materials

A library card is required to borrow material from the library. Library cards are free if you live, work, own property, or attend school in Fauquier County. Outside residents can purchase a library card for just $15. Members can borrow books, music, and movies for a certain length of time. Failure to return items on time will result in fines. Replacement fees will be charged to members for lost and damaged material.

Research Assistance and Computer Rental

Your local library is the perfect place to complete school and work projects. Members can conveniently access databases to conduct research on a variety of subjects. A reference librarian is also available to assist when needed. The library is an excellent place to use public computers for free. Members can use computers to write papers, check email, and surf the internet.

Fauquier County Library Warrenton

Virginia residents can benefit from a variety of services offered at their local library. Children, teenagers, and adults can attend regular events to socialize with others and expand their learning. A library card allows members to borrow books, music, and movies. The library also provides research assistance and public computers.

February 28, 2017
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